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Bodybuilding on a Keto Diet: Does It Work?

Every so often, a diet trend emerges (or re-emerges)...

Perfect NYC Itinerary With Toddlers or Preschoolers

Last Updated on Sep 27, 2024 When you arrive in...

Publisher’s Platform: What are the most common questions asked about Listeria?

Listeria monocytogenes, commonly known as Listeria, is a bacteria...

Reflections from the Road | Vol. 57 – Angie Away

Good morning from onboard the Royal Caribbean Mariner of the Seas! We’re just about to disembark and drive home to Jacksonville from Port Canaveral. It’s been 4-nights and 5-days of family shenanigans, memory-making (um, Ben borrowed and older lady’s dentures and Rae and I threw our bras on the stage – don’t ask) and laughing until we cried, and we did it all instead of our traditional Christmas celebrations. I’m a big fan of traditions and always doing the same thing every year, but man, this was a really fun, carefree change of pace – and no one had to do the dishes or worry about driving on New Year’s Eve. 10/10 would recommend.

Watch Rae & Ben’s vlog of the adventure: Part 1 + Part 2

I have tried in vain to plan in advance so I could take the month of December off each year. You’d think since I’m my own boss and basically in charge of everything, that wouldn’t be a problem. But there’s always something to do! And as a solopreneur, it’s not like I can just turn down money. When there’s a project, I do it. Even if it means having a busier holiday season than I perhaps wanted.

I still had time to bake about 750 cookies, go to a few parties and celebrate in style. So all in all, it’s been a banner Q4. Read on for the highs, lows, lessons and next steps in this Vol. 57 of Reflections from the Road.



Against all good sense and practicality, I quit my stable job to travel around the world by myself. It was… chaotic, to say the least.

I came home. I simmered on the story for a decade.

I pitched a book about my trip.

A Big 5 publisher bought it. 

I wrote it. 

I’m recording the audiobook this week.

It’s all coming out in 72 days. 

Can I just say THANK YOU FROM THE DEPTHS OF MY SOUL to everyone who pre-ordered FLIRTING WITH DISASTER already? Seeing that little “No. 1 New Release” banner next to my book on Amazon was the best feeling ever.


How come no one told me I would love podcasting so much? After 6 months as the host of TRAVELING WITH AAA, not only have I renewed my contract (YAY!), but Rae and I have also started our own podcast. Well, we’re not totally sure what it is… but we’re having fun with it. Every week we talk about travel news, dramas and traumas, and whatever else comes up. For now it’s just on YouTube, but we’re looking to distribute it to podcast platforms just as soon as we get the chance. 


Rick and I went to Costa Rica for the second time this year back in October to finish off his dental implant procedure. It took us three visits over the course of a few years to get it done, but even still, we spent about the same (with flights, hotels, activities AND dental work) than we would have with just the procedures in the US. 

Read about our Costa Rica dental work & road trip adventures

Our friends at Vamos Rent-a-Car hooked us up with a rental car so we could bop from dental appointments in San Jose to the cloud forest and back. It comes with a phone with unlimited data and Waze so you can navigate – you don’t realize what a big deal that is until your own phone refuses to work on those rural roads.

Between dental appointments, we drove up to El Silencio Lodge & Spa and it was exactly what we needed. Quiet, misty and chilled out with good food, fun fly fishing and excellent waterfall hikes. Rick and I really had some epic adventures this year and for that I’m grateful. Will share more on the blog soon!


Not since my days as a publicist for The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism have I visited my favorite islands twice in a month (and 3x this year!) – it’s nice to be back on that schedule, let me tell you! Early in December, I met up with bestie Alex in Wanderland for a week exploring Staniel Cay, one of Exuma’s 365 gorgeous islands. I actually led my very first press trip as a baby publicist to the Exumas back in… oh gees, 2007? And I’m happy to report it’s still the most beautiful place in the world. 

Alex and I swam with sharks, snuggled piggies and eyed iguanas on a white sand beach, plus snorkeled with a piano-playing mermaid, high-fived a sea turtle and got the hot celebrity gossip from the most in-the-know masseuse-to-the-stars. It’s basically my life goal to bring everyone I love to the Bahamas at some point, so I’m glad I finally got to tick that box with “Blonde Alex.” 

I shared a ton on IG stories already and it’s saved in the “Staniel Cay” highlight should you want to use it to plan your trip. And I’ll have much more to come on how to swim with the pigs in the Bahamas and where to stay on Staniel Cay. Stay tuned!



There’s not much I can say about the events of Oct. 7 in the Middle East that smarter people haven’t already said. Not a day goes by when I don’t think of the remaining hostages, the innocent lives lost in Gaza and just the overwhelming madness of it all. I’m so fortunate that my parents never taught me to hate anyone for their heritage. Not everyone gets that, and it’s really hard to escape extremist ideology when it’s forced on you at a young age. 


A dear friend lost her husband quite unexpectedly back in November. They were the most darling, long-married, precious, God-loving couple you can imagine. A real example for Rick and me. Pray for my girl M as she navigates this next phase. 


Why are my dog’s medical bills higher than mine? And why am I more willing to pay through the nose for her than I would be for my own medical emergency? Leia, who is somewhere from 9-12 years old, had to go to the vet for tummy issues and it cost almost $1,000. WHAT?! It was a couple months ago and I’m still gagged about the bill. 

After x-rays and IV fluids, she’s fine. Still old, still clingy and snuggly and LOUD. And even though we changed a few things with her diet, she can still clear a room, if you know what I mean. We thought she might have a mass in her stomach, but it was just food. This crazy old girl.



… you have to do it yourself. The bathroom renovation in our Airbnb that should have taken a week tops ended up taking about 3 months. We tried and tried to hire help and folks left us in the lurch over and over. 

The good news is that it’s finished now. Rick did almost all of it himself – with an assist here and there from an electrician, a plumber and me, the best amateur interior designer ever. It looks gorgeous and we are back in business! 

For the 8th year in a row, I’m promising Rick, NO NEW PROJECTS. How long will I last?


Between Leia’s exorbitant vet bill, the bathroom renovation that took too long and lost us months of revenue and the roof leak that just appeared, I’m grateful that at least one of us in this marriage is a saver. (Hint: it’s not Rick.) It always amazes me how expensive it is just to kind of… exist? I’ll say this, God has always provided for us and I don’t see why he’d stop now. So onward to 2024 and whatever expensive surprises are in store.


If you’ve been around these parts for a while, you may have noticed the website got a makeover. I figured since I’m pivoting in work, I might as well make AngieAway.com fresh and new, too.

My web host suggested I do it myself and gave me some resources to do it. So, it took exponentially longer than it would have if I’d hired someone else, but I did save a good bit of money. (And that was a must this quarter with all the surprise expenses!)

You’ll notice the color scheme is different, the home page is completely revamped and I even have a little travel shop with merch that I’ll be adding to little by little.

The only problem? I have no idea what I’m doing, so not everything is as functional as it could be. If you happen to notice anything wonky as you’re perusing, would you screenshot it and send to me? I’d love any feedback!

Our friends Evin & Shannon got married in the most beautiful wedding!

Next Steps 

We can make our plans but God determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9


With only about 10 weeks until my book comes out, I’m waffling between freaking out and reciting my favorite verse, “God will fight for you, all you have to do is be still.” I know that’s true, but my PR roots have me in a constant state of dysregulation, i.e., WE AREN’T DOING ENOUGH. 

There’s always another person you can reach out to or another video to create, etc. I am stuck between not wanting to bother people who follow me with the same stuff every day and the knowledge that Facebook/Instagram/TikTok don’t show my content to everyone who follows me anyway, so I can’t even be sure that all the people who follow me KNOW that I have a book coming out. It’s such an absurd game to play.

Did you know that pre-sales mean EVERYTHING to an author? (especially a new one like me!)

  • Publishers decide how many books to print (and their commitment to marketing the book) on presales and early buzz on social media
  • If a book racks up substantial presales, reviewers are more likely to review it.
  • Librarians are more likely to order it and book clubs take notice.
  • The more presales a book gets, the more copies bookstores order to stock.
  • All pre-orders “count” as first week sales, giving books their best chance to hit a bestseller list. 

TLDR: You can write the best book ever, but if your mom is the only person who buys it, you won’t be writing a second one.

I’m plotting out my book tour, speaking engagements, launch parties and TV/podcast appearances, but at the end of the day, word of mouth is going to sell this book. I’m not a celebrity, so while I know I can count on you, my longtime Angie Away pals, to show up, I’m nobody to the rest of the world. I am going to need YOUR help to tell people about FLIRTING WITH DISASTER. And I hate asking for help, so there it is. I really need help.

Here’s how:

  • Pre-order the book today! You can get a hardcover, Kindle version or audiobook… or even better, all three! 
  • Share on social media and tag me (@angieaway and my publisher @hachetteus @worthypub
  • If you know any book clubs, churches, companies or organizations that are open to buying a few books, holler! I will show up, read the book, speak to your youth group, hang out, get in the dunk tank – anything. Get in touch!
  • If you’re not subscribed to my email list, now is a great time to do it. That’s where I’ll be sharing pre-order incentives and book tour details. Here’s hoping I get to see many of you on the road this year.

In the next 90 days, holy moly, I’ll be a published author. After a lifetime of working toward this goal, the finish line is in sight. I’m not crying, you’re crying!

Flirting with Disaster by Angie Orth

Other stuff is happening, too – a trip to NYC, maybe Iceland to check out the Northern Lights, maybe a Europe cruise, and all the normal stuff like annual dermatologist appointments and filing taxes. It’s going to be a wildly chaotic time where I fly by the seat of my pants… so, business as usual.

I am excited and hopeful and utterly terrified about this next step in my career. I hope that by the time the next edition of Reflections from the Road hits the internet on April 1, that I’ll be able to say my book is a best seller and that another one is on the way.

Happy 2024, my friends! May your year be filled with unimaginable blessings, memorable experiences and wild abundance.

Question of the Quarter: do you prefer hardcover, paperback, Kindle or audiobooks?

If all this big news comes as a surprise, I’ve been sharing in real time on Instagram! Another way to stay in touch (and win free presents!) is to subscribe to our newsletter. Sign up here, and rest assured that we will never spam you. Ain’t nobody got time for that.


Bodybuilding on a Keto Diet: Does It Work?

Every so often, a diet trend emerges (or re-emerges)...

Perfect NYC Itinerary With Toddlers or Preschoolers

Last Updated on Sep 27, 2024 When you arrive in...

Publisher’s Platform: What are the most common questions asked about Listeria?

Listeria monocytogenes, commonly known as Listeria, is a bacteria...

Sunglasses made from Plastic Ocean Trash

Sunglasses made from Plastic Ocean Trash

Barcelona’s subway trains are turning into EV power stations

‍This story was originally published by Grist. Sign up...


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